17. An agency owner who wants project organization


Entrepreneurs get a rush starting projects, but a brand needs to link projects together. 🔗 In this episode, Phil and Lauren talk with UK entrepreneur Lee, who's having troubles connecting the lines between his endeavors. The hosts suggest ideas to bring visual continuity to his projects so they all co-exist under one umbrella. 

Episode transcription

The businesses and projects Lee runs  (01:37)

The trouble with managing several brands (3:03)

Using personal pages to promote business (04:03)

Is Lee open to visually changing his existing brands? (05:30)

The importance of having visual consistency across Lee's brands (06:44)

Sub-branding and how to identify your sub-brands (07:22)

Practical ways Lee can connect his brands (09:42)

Why Lee has a podcast about Walt Disney (11:08)

Phil talks about using Lee's Angled Crown website as the focal point for all his brands (11:34)

The importance of photography and how to use it to elevate the current Angled Crown website (12:02)

Lee talks about how his software for event organisers works (14:38)

How to make the website for the Trailblazer podcast look like part of Lee's brand (16:45)

Phil talks about the evolution of a brand (18:32)

Richard Branson is an example of someone who has several brands under the same brand (19:10)

The importance of photographs as the next evolution in Lee's branding (19:55)

Why photographs of Lee need to be a part of the brand (20:39)

What Lee is going to do next (22:57)

The importance of drawing out the structure of your brands and sub-brands (23:26)


18. A school that wants more international student hosts


16. A young professional who wants a job title